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DELETE (REST) (Web Mining)


Sends a DELETE http request to a REST service as is used in CRUD operations to remove an existing resource at a specific URI.


This operator can send DELETE requests to REST services. It will return JSON as a document.

For submitting data, you can either submit a document input, or manually entered JSON via parameter. Note that for most DELETE requests, body is required, so both the input and the parameter can be left empty. In either case, macros within the input will be resolved before it is submitted to the REST service.

By default, if a web service returns an error in the 4xx or 5xx range, this operator will fail. Sometimes however, some requests may be expected to fail, but the process should still continue (and for example return the error in the output document). In those cases, deselect the fail_on_endpoint_error parameter to keep the process going.



Sends a GET request to a REST service. This is mostly used to download a resource.


Sends a PATCH request to a REST service. This is mostly used to update parts of an existing resource.


Sends a POST request to a REST service. This is mostly used to create a new resource.


Sends a PUT request to a REST service. This is mostly used to replace an existing resource or put a resource at a specific location.


  • request (IOObject)

    The optional input port expecting a document. This port does not need an input. Either the request json parameter will be used (if set), or no request body will be sent along the DELETE request.


  • response (IOObject)

    The output port returning a document.


  • request_urlThe REST service URL which the operator should call. Range:
  • request_jsonOnly visible if no input document is passed to the operator. The JSON contained here is then send as the request body to the REST service. Can be left empty when the DELETE request does not require a body. Range:
  • request_headersAdditional headers to include in the request. Can be for example used to log into protected services via an "Authorization" header. Range:
  • inject_connection_secretEnables the injection of a connection secret by replacing the identifier and secret placeholders defined in the selected connection entry with their respective values. Range:
  • connection_entryThis parameter is only available when inject connection secret is enabled. This parameter is used to specify a repository location that represents a connection entry. Range:
  • fail_on_endpoint_errorBy default, if a web service returns an error in the 4xx or 5xx range, this operator will fail. Sometimes however, some requests may be expected to fail, but the process should still continue (and for example return the error in the output document). In those cases, select this checkbox to keep the process going. Note that this operator will still fail if the call fails for technical reasons, e.g. the URL cannot be reached. Range:

Tutorial Processes

DELETE JSON to a REST service with input document

This process deletes JSON at a REST service and returns the response from it as a document.